Monday, April 29, 2013

Onion and Bacon Pasta Improv

In looking through the fridge I concluded there were no leftovers for a full meal.  The only thing I could eat was some roast beef.  Then, I eyeballed the bacon.

(Photo credit

I have a confession to make, I have an obsession with bacon.  If you are not also obsessed with bacon I believe you cannot be a human. ;)

(Photo credit

While bacon was not the main ingredient in the dish I threw together, it definitely made it great!  My one suggestion would be to replace the roast beef with chicken.  I would have used chicken but as I said before, we only had roast beef.

Onion and Bacon Pasta

1 bag Ronzoni penne pasta portions
Olive oil
1/4 small onion, sliced
1 clove garlic, minced or crushed
Diced pepper (I diced 3 strips)
1 1/2 tsp tomato paste
A few shakes of the following dry ingredients
     Dried oregano
     Dried basil
     Dried parsley
Diced leftover meat of choice (I would use chicken next time)
2 strips precooked bacon, cut into small pieces
Drizzle of balsamic glaze

Put water on to boil for pasta.
In a small pan or skillet coated in olive oil, sauté onions, garlic and diced peppers until softened.  Add more oil, tomato paste, dry ingredients and simmer until the pasta goes into the water.  When the pasta is cooking, add the rest on the ingredients.  Drain pasta and put into skillet.  Heat for a few minutes and then enjoy!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Roasted Vegetable Pizza - Trader Joe's

My mom found a delicious cheese free pizza with roasted vegetables at Trader Joe's.

I did doctor it a slight bit, but it was also delicious without any extras.

I cut up a chicken patty (we had no grilled chicken) and put it on the pizza before cooking.

Once the pizza was done, I put some balsamic glaze on top.  The pizza already has a balsamic type sauce but this gave it a little extra flavor.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Gnocchi Improv

      When I was shopping yesterday I found a package of gnocchi.  I had it a few years ago and I remembered liking it.  I had no idea what I would serve it with but I got it anyways.  My parents were going out for dinner so I was in charge of cooking.  I asked my siblings ( aged 23, 12, and 10) if they would like to try gnocchi and they said they would.  Thankfully, I do not have picky eaters in my family so I went to work.

      I did a look around the fridge, pantry and spice cabinet to see what we had.  Took out a few things and put it together.  The only thing I would change is putting the sun dried tomatoes in towards the end since they got a little too dark for my tastes.  Here is the recipe for what I came up with including the change for the sun dried tomatoes.  I'm using guesstimations for the amounts because I didn't use measuring cups or spoons.

Tomato Gnocchi
Serves 3-4

1 package gnocchi
1 medium sized sweet onion
2 cloves garlic
Olive oil
1/8 tsp dried cilantro
A few shakes of dried oregano
1/8 tsp dried basil
2 tbs tomato paste
2 tbs vegan pesto paste
1 8oz can of tomato sauce
Sun dried tomatoes (put in enough for your tastes)
1 8oz package grilled chicken strips

     Put on water to boil in a medium size pot for gnocchi.  Slice onion and put in a large skillet with the bottom coated in olive oil and add garlic on medium-high heat.  Once onions begin to soften, put in cilantro, oregano, basil, tomato paste, and pesto paste with a little more oil.  Let that simmer on low heat until the gnocchi goes in the pot to boil.  Cook gnocchi for the allotted time on the package (mine was 3 minutes).  While gnocchi is cooking, put remaining ingredients in the skillet on medium heat.  Drain gnocchi when the time is up and stir it in the skillet.  Make sure everything is fully heated up by cooking for a few more minutes.  Serve with a salad or your favorite vegetable.